The Canon Palmtronic F-71 is a scientific/statistical calculator from 1977. It measures 83mm x 150mm x 26mm and weighs 182g without batteries. Power comes from 4 AA batteries or an optional 6V AC adapter.
The F-71 has a sleek black plastic case with an aluminum front panel. The 12-digit vacuum fluorescent display is bright and easy to read. A 14th digit shows negative numbers and errors. Keys have a soft click and work well.

This fully programmable calculator offers extensive math, trigonometric, and statistical functions. Features include fraction/decimal/degree conversion, squares, roots, factorial, polar/rectangular conversion, pi, and 5 memories. The shift key accesses additional functions. Statistical mode provides 14 storage registers.

Inside, the F-71 uses a Hitachi HD36140 processor and HD36141 support chip. Construction quality is excellent with all components mounted on a single large circuit board.
With automatic constants, error recovery, and support for negative numbers, logic is quite sophisticated for the time. The F-71 handles overflow gracefully and allows mid-number sign changes. Lack of memory indication is a minor limitation.

Overall, the Canon F-71 provides impressive capabilities in a durable, professional-quality package. It represents an advanced scientific calculator prior to the transition to LCD screens. For math and science professionals of the late 1970s, the F-71 delivered excellent functionality.